Fleksib Kawotchou Magnet mayetik fèy, woulo liv, kasèt, teren
Deskripsyon Product
Leman kawotchou fleksibte fè nan poud leman ferit, kawotchou konpoze, ak lòt materyèl. By extruding, rolling, or injecting, the combination can be made into soft, plastic, and flexible magnets with different shapes which depend on the request of clients.
Materyèl fleksib mayetik la ka klase kòm enèji estanda ak enèji segondè dapre pwopriyete yo. You may request your own property and thickness, or just tell us your application
Anpil kalite kasèt adezif ka laminated sou bò ki pa magnetize li yo. Tankou dlo ki baze sou, sòlvan, kawotchou oswa kim.
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